What are Query Parameters and how to use them?

Query Parameters

Query parameters are a way to pass information to a website through its URL. They come after a question mark (?) in the URL and are usually in key-value pairs, separated by an equal sign (=). Multiple parameters can be added by separating them with an ampersand (&).

Simple Example:

Consider this URL:

  • ?query=shoes is a query parameter that tells the website you are searching for "shoes".
  • &color=red is another parameter that specifies the color you are interested in.

How Marketers Use Query Parameters

Tracking Campaigns:

Marketers often use query parameters to track the effectiveness of their campaigns. For instance, they can see how many people clicked a link in an email or ad. Example:

  • utm_source=newsletter : Tells the source of the traffic (newsletter).
  • utm_medium=email : Indicates the medium (email).
  • utm_campaign=spring_sale : Names the campaign (spring_sale).


Query parameters can personalize content for users based on their preferences or past behavior.


  • user_id=123 : Identifies the user.
  • theme=dark : Sets the website theme to dark mode.

How General People Use Query Parameters

Search Queries:

When you search for something on a website, the terms you use are often passed as query parameters.



query=laptops : Shows you are searching for laptops.

Filtering Results:

Websites use query parameters to filter and sort search results.


  • category=electronics : Filters products to show only electronics.
  • sort=price_asc : Sorts the results by price in ascending order.
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